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Wedding Season – Is Real, Not A Myth!

Congratulations you have just gotten engaged and there is a good chance that one or some of your friends may have gotten engaged as well. Co-coincidence or maybe there is something more to it? Maybe it was the start of Wedding Season? Many people say that ‘Wedding Season’ is a myth but there is a …

Groomsmen Speech Guide With Examples

Almost everyone can speak at a wedding on the bridal table. This ranges from the groom, best man, bride, parents and so on… heck even the bridesmaids can host a speech as well. This then leaves one question… Do the groomsmen speak? Sure the best man speaks but what about the rest of this manly …

Wedding Anniversary Meanings: Traditional Gifts 1st To 90th Anniversary & Gift Ideas

Looking to get your significant other an anniversary gift? Check out our comprehensive wedding anniversary meanings list to get them a traditional gift.